A message From our President
Karina Wilson, MPH
Beta Upsilon strives to engage students, faculty, and public health professionals nationwide, ensuring that we continue to promote excellence in contributing to the field of public health. I am honored to be a part of this organization and look forward to working with all our members to enhance our community's health and well-being.
Beta Upsilon News
Member Highlight: Dr. Chi Tang
“The focus of my work is to engage patients in medical decision making with modern information technology,” explained Dr. Tang. “I believe that…
Member Highlight: Lindsey Redding
Lindsey Redding, MPH, is one of Beta Epsilon’s Alumni Inductees. Lindsey is the Director of Community Initiatives at WellFlorida Council, the health…
Member Highlight: Janice Nieves
Janice Nieves, BPH, showed a commitment to Public Health throughout her time at the University of Florida with involvement in on-campus organizations…
Delta Omega Resources
Member Directory
Reach out to members of Beta Upsilon, past and present.
The mentorship program provides an opportunity for all Beta Upsilon members, both students and faculty, to connect and network with other members and professionals in the field.
Delta Omega Gators
Check out issues of the e-newsletter, filled with updates and events for members of Beta Upsilon.