2023 Inductees

Honorary Member Inductee

Beta Upsilon Delta Omega

Beta Upsilon President Brandace Stone and Honorary Member inductee Dr. Margo Riggs

Alumni & Faculty Member Inductees

Delta Omega Beta Upsilon

Beta Upsilon President Brandace Stone, Alumni inductee Dr. Barbara Pierre, Faculty inductee Dr. Julia Varnes, Faculty inductee Dr. Brittney Dixon, and PHHP Dean Beth Virnig

Graduate Student Inductees

Beta Upsilon President Brandace Stone, Niccole Smith, Jasmine Essa, Fabbiha Kabir, Anna Epifano, and PHHP Dean Beth Virnig
(not pictured: George Lee, Nima Madani, Daniel Schmidt, and Erick Velis)

Undergraduate Student Inductees

Beta Upsilon President Brandace Stone, Stuart Case, and PHHP Dean Beth Virnig
(not pictured: Kelly Folsom)

Public Health Champion

Beta Upsilon President Brandace Stone and Public Health Champion Awardee Krista Ott